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Friday, May 20, 2011

What is the Perfect Betta Tank? Fulfill These 4 Requirements For a Happy, Healthy Betta

By Elizabeth Christopher

Your betta requires...

1 - A Low Wide Betta Tank
Bettas live in very shallow water. Purchasing a betta tank that is deeper than it is wide is a waste, he will never use all that space at the top. And it is harder for you to clean as well. 
2 - Very Little Room, Comparatively
Bettas can live a long, healthy, happy life in a betta house as small as two or three gallons. I personally use nothing less than a five gallon tank, and prefer ten gallons for maximum betta comfort. 
3 - 78 to 82 Degree Water
This means that a home that is too small for a heater is no good. This also means a filter to move the water so there are no hot and cold spots.
4 - Fog and Scratch-Free Walls
Your betta wants to watch you. He wants to play with you, and perform for you, and he can not do that if he can not see through the walls of his tank. Besides, you want to see him and his betta tank in all their splendor. 
"Who else wants to know the lowdown on Betta Tank Setup and all you need to know for successful betta set-up and care? You too will have Bettas living up to 5 years when you head to and get the best Betta Care Guide on the internet."
Elizabeth Christopher


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Betta Fish Care - Free Guide

    I put together this short guide in order to help Betta fish owners care for their Bettas. If you head this advice, you should have a happy, healthy Betta fish living in your home.
Betta Fish Care-Free Guide-Steps
  1. The fist thing you want to do once you have selected your fish is to get them a new home
  2. Next you want to stock the home with a few items to give it that homey feel for your Betta. Think in terms of tank accessories that are going to be fin friendly.  Soft plant or two depending on tank size. Maybe one small item that sits on the floor of the tank that won't catch the Betta's fins.
  3. Filling and replacing the water is essential to good Betta Fish care. If you are using the recommended minimum size of 1 gal you can replace about one third to one half of the water once a week without any severe issues. 
  4. Important: If your tank is smaller than 1 gallon, then you will be cleaning out more frequently...keep that in mind!
  5. Feeding is essential to good Betta fish care as well. There are two schools of thought here. One is to just feed your new family member regular fish food from a container. This is perfectly fine. The other is to feed your fish live food such as brine shrimp and bloodworms. 
  6. Very Important: Do not purchase two Bettas and place them in the same tank. This is the ultimate no-no. They WILL fight and it won't be pretty. 
  7. Cleanliness is important to Betta fish care so be sure to stay on top of this. When you notice left over food in your tank after about 30 to 45 mins of feeding. Go ahead and pull it out with a net. This helps to eliminate bacteria/fungal growth.
  8. It is better to feed your Betta several times throughout the day in small amounts. They aren't big on the one big meal a day concept.
Betta fish care is a pretty simple task when you know the ins and outs. This free guide is very basic but should get you started.
Check out more betta fish secrets here Betta secrets []!
Eric is a Betta fish enthusiast with several articles, blogs and websites regarding Betta fish care secrets. For the most up to date information check them out.

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How to Take Care of Your Betta Fish

    A betta fish is indeed one of the great fishes you can place in your aquarium. Aside from the low-cost maintenance and being relatively easy to take care of, it is also a colorful fish that is attractive to put in your fish tank.

Preparing the fish tank
    This type of fish thrives in shallow waters in their original habitat, so you don't need to worry about having a small tank to put one betta on it. 
    You can put in aquarium gravel, live plants and as well as floating ones. If you are putting plastic structures in the fish tank, make sure that you choose something that will not tear the fins of your colorful friend. Avoid making them too crowded that it can make your fish stuck in between them.
Understanding their behavior
    The betta fish is also called a Siamese fighting fish. By the name itself, you can find a clue that this fish can be aggressive. Indeed, the Siamese fighting fish or the betta can fight to death, especially the male bettas. If you want to bring home a betta fish for your aquarium, make sure that you don't put male bettas together in one tank. The males are aggressive towards other bettas and they won't stop until one is harmed.
    With this, you need to provide partition for your fish tank if you want to keep two male bettas. You can also put them in individual tanks. Females bettas can however be placed in the tank in groups of three to avoid the dominant one to constantly pick on the other. Also provide the female bettas with a structure or plant for them to hide.

Feeding your betta fish
    Feeding your betta is also another important thing that you should learn from your betta fish guide. This type of freshwater fish can be fed with pellets or flakes once or twice a day. You can also feed them with brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms occasionally. It is important not to overfeed your betta as this can cause health problems too.
Carolyn Anderson is a fish lover and loves to share some resources that will help you start your own aquarium. For a complete guide to taking care of betta fish, check out Betta Lovers Guide. Also check out Discus Fish Secrets, where you can find effective ways on taking care of another aquarium fish, the discus fish.

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Betta Fish

    Betta fish is a beautiful fish. Betta fishes come in various shapes, sizes and colours. Depending on the breeds, betta fishes come in all kinds colours. Hence, if you are keen in betta breeding, you will be delighted to know that you have a wide range of colours to choose from. The length of a betta is usually about 7cm. Female bettas are usually slightly longer than the male ones. It is interesting to note that the fins of some male bettas are the same length as their body.
    The advantage of a betta living in a wild environment is that it has more opportunity for exercise as it needs to search for food and escape predators. So, if you can try chasing your bettas around the betta fish tank more often, this may help to prolong their life!
Unfortunately, betta fish life span is not very long, as compared to other fishes in general. If you provide good betta fish care, its life span may range from one to three years. Sad to say, many bettas die premature deaths due to sickness or poor betta fish care.
    As seen above, bettas are colourful fishes which belong to the group of labyrinth fishes. They need oxygen from the air to survive as well as exercise to maintain good health. Proper betta care is important to prevent betta diseases. Hope the above information can help you know more about betta fishes and also help you decide whether to keep one as a pet! Please visit Betta Fish website for more information.

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